At St Stephen small groups meet regularly together to learn, reflect and discover more about aspects of our Christian faith, what it means to us, and what it means for the way we live our lives.
In the past we have used The Pilgrim Course, looking in depth at various topics, always informally over coffee and cake, and with lots of laughter.
During Advent and Lent we meet weekly for a different kind of reflection as we prepare for Christmas and Easter, sometimes starting with a service of Holy Communion and ending with a simple soup lunch, and raising money for a favourite charity.
If you would like to know more about the Christian faith please do get in touch. We'd be delighted to hear from you, and will offer a very warm welcome.
Families & Children
Worshipping together on Mothering Sunday
There are a number of young families and children who are part of our community at St Stephen. We recognise that family life is complicated, and it's not often that all our families are able to worship together. Fellowship and friendship is important to us, so we have regular events during the year so that we can catch up and have fun like afternoon tea parties, BBQs and trips out.
We have an 'art cart' for little people who wish to get creative during worship, and we have seasonal Messy Church. In addition we have a bi-monthly Cafe Church where we worship creatively and share coffee and cake as we consider different themes throughout the year. We do all we can to support families and children grow in faith.
helping others
We are set in an area with many and varied needs, and as a church we do our very best to help others.
We have nominated parish visitors who visit the sick, lonely, housebound and those who feel they need a little extra support. Please do get in touch if you'd like a visit, would like someone to pray for you, or if you would like to receive communion at home or in hospital.
We have weekly collections for St Austell Foodbank. The Foodbank is open weekly in church on a Wednesday from 11-1pm. If you need a Foodbank voucher the easiest way to obtain support is through school, doctor’s surgeries, social prescribers, housing officers or by contacting Citizen’s advice. There is useful information here. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/food-bank/using-a-food-bank/
We also collect for the Children's Society, St Petroc's Society, sponsor a child through World Vision and support the Leprosy Mission as an important part of our giving. We make it a priority to respond to urgent need in our community and beyond.
We are a giving church, responding in gratitude for the many ways Christ gives to us.